Elect Bertha Clayton

Walla Walla County Commissioner, Dist. 1

No Party Preference





What I want you to know:

“This is the most important local race on your ballot this year.”

“Our County has a rich, diverse, and distinguished history. I believe that County government must continually seek to reinforce and improve upon Walla Walla County’s strong foundation. Additionally, the County Commission must put Walla Walla County in the best position to thrive in new and challenging times. That’s why I’m running for Walla Walla County Commissioner.”

  • Duties are set by state law

    The role, authority, and duties of County Commissioners in Washington State are set out in state law. (RCW 36.32.120) The authority and obligations of county commissioners are critical as the commission is the legislative body of the county. The commission’s authority and functions are extensive, but limited to those outlined in the statute.

    Financial duties

    In summary, the bulk of a County Commission’s financial responsibilities include:

    1. Setting your county taxes,

    2. Appropriating funds to the county departments that serve you; and

    3. Regularly auditing county spending to assess whether your tax dollars are being appropriately utilized given the needs of the County.

    Walla Walla County’s 2024 budget, as approved by County Commissioners on 12/19/23, appropriates $145.9 million to county departments.

    Additional obligations

    Additionally, the County Commission maintains county property and infrastructure, creates and enforces resolutions or ordinances, and determines appropriate land use.

    For a list of Walla Walla County Offices and Departments over which the Commission has oversight, visit: https://www.co.walla-walla.wa.us/.

  • Our County has a rich, diverse, and distinguished history. I believe that County government must continually seek to reinforce and improve upon Walla Walla County’s strong foundation. Additionally, the County Commission must put Walla Walla County in the best position to thrive in new and challenging times. That’s why I’m running for Walla Walla County Commissioner.

    I believe in:

    Strategically planning for responsible growth

    Supporting working families

    Improving the value and quality of county services

    Investing in our county employees and systems

    Cutting wasteful spending and seeking revenue opportunities to mitigate your property tax burden.

    Leading with integrity and humility, innovative thinking, creation of strong community partnerships, and energized, positive leadership.

    Ask those who have worked with me — there is no candidate more committed to these goals than I am.

  • I have declared my candidacy for Walla Walla County Commissioner as “No Party Preference”. More specifically, I am not committing my candidacy to a particular political party. This decision is based on how I plan to approach this role: with objectivity, inclusiveness, transparency, cooperation, active outreach to all stakeholders, and wise decision making based on data regarding the potential impacts to Walla Walla County.

    My campaign has received broad multi-partisan support. In an increasingly tumultuous political landscape, Walla Walla County government must be functional, proactive, and above all, focused on best serving the residents of Walla Walla county.

  • My record includes developing diverse teams, designing and implementing projects, and leading cohorts of leaders representing competing interests. I am committed to working for, and being accountable to, all Walla Walla County residents.

    The Walla Walla County Commission is a small, three member board. Partisan allegiance is harmful and limiting to building trust and effectively doing the Commission’s statutory work.

    The County’s issues, challenges, and opportunities must be addressed objectively by prepared and qualified County Commissioners, not in automatic rank with political ideology.

Meeting new challenges requires innovative thinking, creating and maintaining strong community partnerships, investing in people, and leading with vision and hope.

This campaign is about sensible ideas, energized leadership, community building and working together for the benefit of all Walla Walla County residents.